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Winter Golf Checklist (updated to include Hole-Stabilising Rings eligibilty)
Wednesday 8th May 2024
Code of Conduct for Parents / Guardians
As parents you are expected to:
Positively reinforce your child and show an interest in their chosen activity
Do not pressure your child or push them in to activities they do not want to do
Be realistic and supportive
Promote your child’s participation in playing sport for fun
Complete and return the Player Profile and Consents documents pertaining to your child’s participation in activities at Essex Golf Union
Report and update Essex Golf Union with any changes relevant to your child’s health and wellbeing
Deliver and collect your child punctually before and after coaching sessions/competitions
Ensure your child has clothing and kit appropriate to the weather conditions
Ensure you child has appropriate equipment, plus adequate food and drink
Ensure that you child understands the rules of Golf
Teach your child that they can only do their best
Ensure that your child understands their Code of Conduct
Behave responsibly; do not embarrass your child
Show appreciation and support the coaches, volunteers and staff at Essex Golf Union
Accept the decision and judgement of the officials during events and competition
As a parents/guardian you have the right to:
Be assured that your child is safeguarded during their participation in the sport
Be informed of problems or concerns relating to your child
Be informed if your child is injured
Have consent sought for issues such as trips and photography
Have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s welfare listened to and responded to
Any breaches of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the Essex Golf Union. Persistent concerns or breaches may result in you being asked not to attend games if your attendance is considered detrimental to the welfare of young participants.
The ultimate action should a parent/guardian continue to breach the code of conduct may be the Essex Golf Union regrettably asking your child to leave the session, event or county team.