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Wednesday 8th May 2024
Refreshing the IG County App
If a County Card expires, no expiry date shows, a wrong expiry date shows, or simply fails to respond due to the wonders of technology, you will need to refresh the IG County APP.
Depending on your device's settings this may happen automatically, but if not a manual refresh is required.
Please refer to your devices manual and operating instructions for ways in which you can refresh or close your open APPs.
We suggest the following methods, that do seem to work for us:
Essentially “refreshing an App” is updating the software. Often, we suppress these and notifications. Therefore, to renew your County Card on your chosen platform; Android or iOS, will need a simple manual action on your device:
Android: SETTINGS>APPS>select appropriate app>APP DETAILS IN STORE>UPDATE
iOS: OPEN APP STORE>Tap on your profile icon at top of screen (this lists your installed apps)>SCROLL TO APPROPRIATE APP> TAP UPDATE.
If you have the card on multiple devices, one update may suffice and transfer through. A restart may well be useful also.